Toy haulers are popular recreational vehicles that are available as both motorized and towable units. Most often, toy haulers are available for RVs such as travel trailers, fifth wheels, Class A gas motorhomes, and Class C motorhomes. They’re identifiable by their storage capabilities and ramped garage doors that make it easy to load outdoor equipment and other items into the RV.
Many RVers choose toy haulers for the added storage they offer. With a toy hauler, it’s easier to bring all of your outdoor equipment to your destination. Best yet, many toy haulers for sale feature convertible garage spaces that can be used for garage-style storage, sleeping, or living spaces depending on the setup. Many also feature a full or half bath in the garage of the RV, making it easy to transform the garage into living space when it’s not in use for storage.
If you’re curious about what you can fit into a toy hauler, we’re here to help!
What Can You Fit in a Toy Hauler?
The size of your toy hauler will influence what you can fit inside the garage-style storage area. The exact storage space depends on your specific toy hauler. In most cases, all toy haulers can fit outdoor equipment such as:
- ATVs
- Mountain Bikes
- Kayaks
- Paddleboards
- Bicycles
- Motorcycles
- Snowmobiles
- Jet Skis
- Side-By-Sides
- UTVs
- & More
Weight is a big consideration when it comes to determining what you can fit in your toy hauler. You need to ensure that the toy hauler’s ramped entry door can support the weight of what you’re storing, along with the framework of the toy hauler itself. We offer a large selection of RVs for sale, including toy haulers that can safely fit your essential outdoor equipment.
Your RV’s manual will identify the weight limits of the garage, door, and other storage areas.Can You Put a Car in a Toy Hauler?
No, you can’t put your car in a toy hauler. This is because the toy hauler isn’t built to properly support a larger vehicle like a car. The entry ramp of the toy hauler can’t support the weight of a car either.
Toy Hauler Garage Size
Weight is important when it comes to figuring out what you can fit in your toy hauler, and size can also be a consideration when you’re storing larger items. Most toy haulers are around 31-40 feet long, but that includes the entire RV. The exact size of the garage aboard a toy hauler will vary depending on the floorplan, so it’s important to check your RV’s specifications to ensure it can hold the toys you’re looking to transport. In general, most toy hauler garages are wide, long, and tall enough to easily transport popular outdoor toys.
Choosing the Right Toy Hauler
Visit your local Lazydays RV dealership to explore the wide selection of toy haulers available, including towable units such as toy hauler travel trailers. We offer a wide selection of new and used RVs for sale, including toy haulers. We can help you find the toy hauler that best fits your RVing needs!